If you are visiting our office for the first time we want you to know exactly what to expect. Our goal is to make your experience with us relaxing and confidence inspiring.

Our office is designed to be inviting and supportive with an enjoyable environment. We are not a ‘stuffy’ doctor’s office. At Westside Family Chiropractic you truly are one of the family. Patients love our open concept design; however, a private room is always available for you.

If possible, please download and complete your new patient paperwork ahead of your first visit.

Adult Paperwork
Child Paperwork

First Visit

Your first visit is all about you. It will take about 1 hour and is designed for Dr. Rob to learn more about you, your condition, and how it is affecting your life.

After completing your new patient paperwork, you will be escorted to an examination room to meet Dr. Rob and discuss your case.

Dr. Rob will:

  • Take a detailed history of your problem and how it is affecting your life.
  • Listen to everything you have to say.
  • Refer you to someone else if he feels they are better suited to meet your needs.
  • Perform a detailed Assessment, if you both agree you are a good candidate for care.

The Assessment is designed to answer the question, “How did you get to this point?”

The Assessment consists of:

  • Neurological evaluation (nerves)
  • Biomechanical evaluation (joints)
  • Soft tissue evaluation (muscles and ligaments)
  • Identify any functional deficits and any compensations caused by these deficits (Hint: compensations are often the cause of your pain)
  • Orthopedic tests

Many patients tell us this is the most detailed exam they have ever had.

If you have any X-Ray, CT, or MRI images or reports, please bring them with you.

Second Visit

During your second visit Dr. Rob will review your examination findings with you and explain how they relate to your condition. You will be presented with a customized Initial Program of Corrective Care designed to guide you towards getting your life back.

Musculoskeletal Retraining

Your Initial Program of Corrective Care will start the process of:

  • Normalizing nervous system function
  • Normalizing abnormal muscle motor movement patterns
  • Restoring normal joint biomechanics
  • Eliminating any functional deficits and any compensations due to these deficits
  • Restoring abnormal soft tissue function
  • Healing and Repair

The start of your program will consist of frequent visits to our office. You will be taught how to manage your problem. As things improve your visit frequency will decrease. You will continue the process of self-management at home.

You will be given specific daily exercises designed to support our work in the office. You will be given instructions on foods that maximize growth and repair of injured tissues, postural patterns, and movement patterns.

Our patients understand that regular periodic check-ups are a valuable investment in their recovery and wellbeing. Much like a dentist can detect a tooth problem before it becomes a problem, we can detect functional deficits before you notice them and their compensatory effects.

No matter what your goals are, we are here for you.

Have a question?  Send Dr. Rob an e-mail.

We’d like to welcome you with open arms to our office. At Westside Family Chiropractic we treat our patients like family members. We will take good care of you.

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